How much do fire safety services cost with Fire Link Fire and |Safety Services?
Fire Extinguisher Servicing:
Fire Link Fire and Safety Services supply competitively priced fire extinguishers. All fire extinguishers are supplied with a wall hanging bracket and the cost is inclusive of the initial commission service as required by the current British Standards. We do not currently sell fire extinguishers online.
Fire Extinguisher Rental and Service Agreements:
Annual Care
We conduct annual servicing on your fire extinguishers at a basic set rate which includes the cost of all tags, seals, labels and travelling (all extended/overhaul servicing would be charged additionally).
Annual Care Plus
This option offers you the same as Annual Care, but includes the costs of any extended or overhaul servicing required during the term of the contract. This provides a greater stability in costs over the years seeing only annual rises due to inflation rather than the uncertainty of extended or overhaul costs incurred during the servicing year.
Lease 5
All extinguishers can be purchased over a 5 year period, with all servicing costs being included in the annual fee. At the end of the 5 year period the extinguishers remain your property.
Rental 5
This option allows you to rent extinguishers over a 5 year period, with all servicing costs being included in the annual fee. Over the course of the lease period the extinguishers remain the property of Fire Link Firer and Safety Services.
Short Term Hire
This allows you to hire extinguishers to cover events such as festivals, gymkhanas etc without the added expense of purchasing and maintaining them.
Some contracts will be subject to cancellation charges should they be cancelled prior to the agreed term.
Other Services:
Fire Risk Assessment
Undertaking fire risk assessments on anything but the most basic of premises can be a daunting task. We can conduct this on your behalf. Costs are priced on the total floor area of your premises.
Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting Contracts
We are able to undertake the annual servicing of your fire alarm and emergency lighting systems. Fire alarm servicing consists of two 6 monthly visits. During each visit fire alarm panels, back up batteries and 50% of the system components will be tested. Emergency lighting systems will receive a full duration test annually (usually for 3 hours) and, where the servicing of the fire alarm is undertaken, an additional function test will be conducted.
For the up to date pricing of any of our services please call us or contact us using the ‘contact us’ tab

Fire Link Fire and Safety Services are a team of qualified Fire Safety Consultants. With many years experience in the business of supplying fire extinguishers and conducting fire risk assessments in retail and manufacturing industries, you can rest assured you are in safe hands.